About Us

Find out more about our organisation and what we do.

ChemClean is affiliated with companies that have over 40 years’ experience in the food and beverage industries.
Our turn key project delivery team covers the complete scope from engineering studies to client sign off after commissioning.
ChemClean has designed, installation and commissioned plants at Warrnambool Cheese and Butter, Burra Foods and Freedom Foods.

Our Vision

Be a leading world class global specialist in chemical recycling, client integration and support.

Our Mission

Work in long-term relationships to develop and sustain our clients’ capital assets by providing specialist systems, products, services and solutions.

Our Values

Always maintain the highest degree of:

  • Safety before profit
  • Environment
  • Deliver exceptional performance
  • Create superior value for our clients
  • Enhance the local community in which we work

Quality & Business Assurance

ChemClean is committed to management and operational processes and systems to ensure we meet the service and quality expectations of our clients.

In order to achieve this outcome we are committed to achieving the following objectives:

  • The ongoing improvement and development of structures, processes and procedures in order to continually improve the quality of products and services
  • Ensure that effective training and communication of employees is maintained regarding the requirements of the Quality Management System
  • Continual review of our Quality Management System to ensure a high standard of quality
  • Strive for best practice outcomes utilising accredited systems in accordance with ISO 9001:2015


The maintenance and continual improvement of our systems for hazards and risk identification, reporting and management, to meet our global requirements where applicable to AS/NZ 4801 and OHSAS 18001.


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Start Your PROJECT Today

Our team are ready to assist you with the next steps to rapidly deploy your turnkey chemical recovery system.